Bottled water is the fastest-growing commercial beverage in the world. It is commonly believed that bottled water is cleaner and healthier than tap water. But where does bottled water actually comes from? Is it really safe? How is it regulated? The answers to these questions are surprising.
Consider the following facts on bottled water:
Bottled water is often tap water
More than a third of bottled water is just plain tap water, including Coke’s Dasani and Pepsi’s Aquafina. In 2007, Pepsi was forced to admit that Aquafina is actually “tap water from a public water source” and were made to label their bottles accordingly.
In Canada, Coca-Cola bottles water from municipal sources in Calgary and Brampton for its Dasani brand. Pepsi bottles water from municipal sources in Vancouver and Mississauga for its Aquafina brand.
Bottled water isn’t
Bottled water isn’t legally required to meet the safety standards of tap water.
In North America, tap water faces stricter regulations than bottled water. Ontario, Canada’s new Safe Drinking Water Act sets the maximum levels of chemical, bacterial and radiological parameters for municipal drinking water supplies. All drinking water in Ontario meets these standards. Bottled water is not legally required to meet these standards.
Bottled water is rarely tested.
Bottled water at bottling plants is tested far less frequently than tap water at municipal treatment facilities. The City of Toronto tests its water quality every four hours while bottled water plants receive government inspections once every three to six years.
The quality of tap water is made available to the public. Bottled water hides these results.
Ontario’s regulations require that test results of municipal drinking water be available to the public on demand. This is not required for bottled water. There is no information readily available to the public about the quality of particular bottled water products.
Plastic water bottles leach toxins
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